Limited to 14 Men
Involving plenty of fun food, and fellowship, this trip will give you opportunities to grow in your spiritual and mental journey through group sessions and one-on-one life coaching with Luke.
Your trip begins with getting picked up at the Denver International Airport and ends three days later at noon with getting dropped off at the airport. While all hiking activities are optional, you will have the opportunity to take a road trip to the top of a 14,000-foot mountain (“14-er") and hike one as well. For the overly ambitious who summit a 14-er, the option will be given to summit three more for a total of FOUR peaks (the “Decalibron") in one day! Expenses for meals, lodging, and transportation (private mini-bus) are all included in the price of your ticket.
Geared toward men who desire to take their “personal leadership game" to the next level—whether with spouses, children, business colleagues, or church members—and make their lives count to the glory of God! Fresh mountain air, big open sky, and breathtaking beauty. Let's get away together for several days of solitude, meaningful conversation, and adventures in our Father's world.
Arrive at Denver airport before 2 pm. Drive to Breckenridge and enjoy a welcome dinner. Group learning session 1.
Drive up 14,264-foot Mount Evans and conduct a short hike. Group learning session 2.
Hike up 14,148-foot Mount Democrat with option to also summit 14-ers Cameron, Lincoln, & Bross.
Final breakfast, debriefing, group pictures, and travel back to the Denver airport by 2 pm.
In the past, these trips were offered on specific dates. At present, they are only offered to groups of 10-14 men and the date is planned after the group comes together. You can either let Luke know about your interest in joining a future group (click on Reserve My Spot under Package Options & Pricing below to lock in your reservation) or talk to your friends and plan a trip! You will be gifted a completely FREE EPIC Adventure if you arrange to bring 10 or more men along with you.
Choose a package below to register.
Submitting the non-refundable 10% downpayment will reserve your spot.
The balance will be due three months before your trip.
If the trip is canceled due to low registration, your 10% downpayment will be reimbursed to you.
For years I have climbed Colorado’s fourteen thousand foot peaks with my family and friends, summiting over thirty times.
As a huge fan of Jesus Christ and his model of serving leadership and commitment to do his Father’s will, my goal is to help you process your own journey and brainstorm ideas for taking your life and relationships to the next level. Join me for rest, adventure, and whole life development.
When you win, I win!
These EPIC adventures are rooted in four key principles. We want you to:
All hiking is optional—you can do as little as you want and as much as you want. None of the hike will require rock climbing skills...this is a walk-up trail that will certainly challenge you physically but is doable for those who are not in supreme physical shape. Check out "From Couch Potato to Trail Warrior" near the bottom of our main page for a workout plan and some ideas on how to prepare for this hike.
Once you have reserved your spot,
your final step is to complete an application and waiver.