The Art of Listening

All effective communication begins with listening.
3-4 Hour Workshop

Learning Outcome 1

Improve your ability to transcend basic listening skills and truly understand another human being.

Learning Outcome 2

Up your communication game through dialogue in contrast to discussion, debate, or argument.

Learning Outcome 3

Improve the attitude and abilities of your workforce by focusing on some key factors.

Are you Listening?

Effective communication begins with listening, yet no CEO, director, or manager ever gets practical training or instruction on how to be a great listener. Before one can troubleshoot a problem or bring the right solution to the table, the issues must be diagnosed and clearly understood.
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Discover in highly practical sessions over 3-4 hours:


  • The challenges of communication and how to overcome barriers to listening for greater effectiveness in business, marriage, and in all your relationships.
  • The basic styles of listening and how to change yours to engage another person at the highest level.
  • How to win the right to be heard through improved listening skills.
  • Unperceived barriers to listening and how to overcome them.
  • How to reshape negative attitudes and begin building trust.
  • How to effectively communicate with more than words by using empathic listening skills.


Does this workshop interest you?

We want to know where you think your team or organization needs to grow the most. Whether you know your needs or would like to explore growth areas, let's tackle it together. 

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