Generations @Work

Every generation is different and distinct. Leverage this as a leader!
6-8 Hour Workshop

Learning Outcome 1

Understand the distinctions between each generation, from Traditionalists & Baby Boomers to Generation Z.

Learning Outcome 2

Dive into the differences between Gen-Y & Gen-Z, and apply this understanding to how you lead at work.

Learning Outcome 3

Explore how the need for speed, social networking and collaboration all play into working with younger generations.

Leverage Generational Teamwork!

We live and work among a tapestry of religious and cultural beliefs that make us all unique. Because society is changing at such a rapid pace, we are seeing stark differences among generations. How do you lead a team — or entire staff — with these differences? It is vital for you to leverage the strengths of each generation in order to move your business forward . I will show you how in this 6-8 hour workshop!

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Discover in highly practical sessions over 6-8 hours how to:
  • Distinguish between the generations and their values.
  • Approach parenting with Gen-Y and Gen-Z.
  • Leverage generational differences in the workplace.
  • Spot the differences between Millennials and Gen-Z.

Does this workshop interest you?

We want to know where you think your team or organization needs to grow the most. Whether you know your needs or would like to explore growth areas, let's tackle it together. 

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