Leading on the Basis of Trust

Luke Kuepfer • November 29, 2023

Book 2 in the series—THE SERVING LEADERSHIP JOURNEY by Fred Waggoner & Luke Kuepferis finally releasing!

I'm excited to announce the release of our new book—LEADING ON THE BASIS OF TRUST—the second in our series on The Serving Leadership Journey. Over the next few weeks, I'm taking a break from my regular Wednesday posts to introduce you to the content of this book. I'll be releasing the first four chapters in a continuation of the story we began in our first book—Becoming a Leader Worth Following—about fictional character Tim Wilson on his serving leadership journey. 


Tim is a young, married man with two small children who leads a sales team for a large financial services company. He and his wife Sylvia are members of Hope Community Church and actively participate in a small group and serve in their church's outreach ministry.


In this book, Tim is concerned about Melanie, one of his employees. She is a key team member and a very good worker. She is technically proficient and accomplishes all her assignments on time in an excellent manner. But she is also very reserved in her relationships at work; she doesn't participate socially with any of her colleagues or seem to fit in with the team. Although a valuable team member, Tim fears she will quit the company and go to work for another firm. In this story, Tim meets with a mentor who helps him build trust with his employees.


I hope you enjoy reading the first four chapters of this book and will be interested in purchasing a copy when it ships out early next year (Pre-order info to come).

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