Upgrading Systems—Making it Practical, Part 1

Luke Kuepfer • January 17, 2024

To wrap up this series on upgrading systems in church world, let me offer you a few practical suggestions. And remember, we upgrade to stay aligned with truth; by not changing we often end up changing the truth.


1. Identify what is core and what is culture. While it's true that believers have different interpretations of doctrine and opinions on how to put these into practice—something true since Christianity began—there's much to be said about basic Christian orthodoxy. This can be defined as that which has been generally accepted by Christians across time and space—what is core since the inception of Christianity. Consider the basic doctrines of the Trinity or virgin birth, for example, or the ethical behaviors endorsed by Christians throughout history in terms of life and human sexuality in direct opposition to infanticide, abortion, assisted suicide, gender confusion, and sexual practices outside of marriage. [Christian orthodoxy can be further examined through historical creeds or books such as C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity or G. K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy.] Culture is always changing and will need to be continually analyzed by the community. But maintain what is core and be willing to change on cultural issues. 


2. Similar to the first point, distinguish between your unchanging vision and your changing strategies and methodologies. Your vision and values will not change, but how you apply them will. Review your corporate mission statement often, and discuss your current strategies and methods. I recommend review or expiration dates be attached to the latter so that someday you don't end up doing what you've always done with no results. 

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