Upgrading Church

Luke Kuepfer • October 19, 2023

Last week I stated that there's often a fear that truth will be lost or compromised if we change things in church world. I also asked if it's possible that by not changing we might end up limiting the effectiveness of the timeless truth of the Gospel.


Let's first return to the purpose of the Church. We exist to bring glory to the Creator of the Universe, to reunite people far from God back to Him, to teach Biblical principles for humanity's benefit, to bring healing to a broken world, and to establish the Kingdom of God. Throughout the history of the church, many forms and programs were established to accomplish these purposes.


The early church looked very much like the orthodox church does today yet many of us worship with very different forms or structures. A survey of church history would reveal that much of what we see in the practice of Christianity has been changed, upgraded, or improvised to meet the needs of a continuously changing world.


We've only seen Sunday school programs designed for the benefit of children since the 18th century. Small group ministries have been a much more recent addition. Music and worship styles have always evolved as culture changed. 


Now while we might be concerned with upgrading forms and structures and even critique whether or not some of our upgrades have been good, the greater concern should regard the impact truth is having on the world. The truth of the Gospel should never be restricted by our “containers” nor held captive to some preference we hold dear. We should constantly be “upgrading” our systems as the Scripture both instructs and implies:

Can you think of any additional passages that might relate to upgrading church, Christian practice, etc.? Feel free to email them to me.

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