In Matthew 26:51–54, Jesus articulated his position on self-defense and a leader’s response to attack. The default reaction of most people when assaulted physically, emotionally, or verbally is to defend, argue, and counterattack. Jesus clearly believed otherwise. Those “who draw the sword will die by the sword,” he pronounced after one of his disciples tried to fight off their opponents. “How then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” he asked. In essence, Jesus had already resigned himself to his Father’s will. There was no need for defense. When you are secure in who you are and know whose you are, you’ve already prepared for the outcome. Jesus rested in the purpose of his Audience of One. Any forms of abuse heaped on him could not hurt him or take him off course. Serving leaders do not fight back, do not retaliate, do not defend themselves. They serve a much higher purpose.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
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Do I defend myself or retaliate when my character or reputation is attacked
? What is my best defense against emotional hurt or bitterness of spirit? How would I define my higher purpose?