Based on an article published by Shane Parrish titled, "The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals,” I'm reflecting on some of his key points with today's discussion on:
“Amateurs focus on tearing other people down. Professionals focus on making everyone better."
I distinctly remember talent night at a university in Guangzhou, China where I was studying Chinese for three months back in 1994. My friends were convinced I should play my guitar and sing a song—something for which I certainly had no talent! But with their encouragement and some trepidation, I approached the mic and belted out the lyrics of "Fallen Leaves." One phrase from that song has stayed with me over the years: “When you leave this earth for a better home someday, the only thing you'll take is what you gave away.” One of the stanzas expands on this:
"Lord let my eyes see every need of every man
Make me stop and always lend a helping hand
Then when I'm laid beneath that little grassy mound
There'll be more friends around than leaves upon the ground."
Amateurs believe that by tearing others down they can elevate themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. Professionals who focus on building others up garner trust, respect, and greater influence. People honor those who have set them up for success and avoid those who are both caustic and self-promoting.
John Maxwell talks about the pinnacle of leadership in which people follow you because of who you are and what you represent. If you spend years making everyone around you better, they will follow you even when you no longer have a title or position of leadership. You'll have respect and leave a legacy; and there'll be more friends around than leaves upon the ground!