In Mark 5:21–43 Jesus emphasized the power of faith in making requests of God. Addressing the woman whose bleeding issue had lasted for twelve years, Jesus highlighted her faith rather than the power that had healed her: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” To the synagogue leader whose daughter lay still in death, whose family and friends had given up all hope, Jesus declared, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” For him, faith was the ultimate sign of one suited for his kingdom. By praising and encouraging faith, Jesus was developing others into courageous leaders who would move the kingdom forward with purpose and intentionality. Serving leaders trust in the One who has called them, equipped them, and empowered them for work greater than themselves. Only with faith can they change the world into a better place and inspire faith in others.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Do I believe that God will move on my behalf as I step out in faith? What criteria might determine His involvement? How can I call out faith in others and empower them for greater work than themselves? How might I inspire faith in others?