In Mark 2:3–12 Jesus forgave a man’s sins and cured him of paralysis based on his friends’ faith. Four men, seeking to help their paralytic friend, had attempted to break through the crowd surrounding Jesus. With every way blocked on the ground, they proceeded to the housetop, dismantled the roof, and lowered their paralyzed friend down to Jesus. After forgiving the man’s sins, Jesus set him free from his paralysis. The text notes that the faith of this man’s friends was the catalyst for his cure; they had taken extraordinary measures to bring the paralyzed man to Jesus. These dedicated men did for their friend what he was unable to do for himself. They believed and acted on his behalf. Consequently, their friend stood up, took his mat, and walked home healed. Serving leaders, like Jesus, “catch people doing the right thing.” Thrilled by expressions of faith in action, they reward the compassionate.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
When have I, like the four friends of the paralytic, served someone else who could not help him/herself? What might it cost me to deeply care for others? What are some practical ways I could “catch people doing the right thing”?