In Mark 3:13–19 Jesus called his disciples to follow him up a mountain. The mountain afforded Jesus some time alone to pray and consider his choices. He carefully chose those he wanted, a diverse group of men that included fishermen, a revolutionary, and a tax collector. Jesus needed differing gifts, abilities, and personalities on his team. He appointed them for three things. First, they were appointed to be with him. They needed to observe his life and teaching while he mentored them. Second, they were appointed to proclaim the message of his kingdom. After watching his model, they would go and preach like him. Third, they were appointed to destroy the kingdom of darkness. They would be given Jesus’ authority to expel demons. Jesus’ leadership model was to handpick a few to impact the many. He infused them with his authority after leading by example and coaching them. Jesus understood leadership development. He spent most of his time with this select group of disciples to impact the world.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
KEY QUESTIONS: Where do I go to pray and do my best thinking before making important decisions? Who are the key people in my life that I want to go deep with or influence up close? How could I better lead by example? How might I coach and develop those under my current leadership?