I just finished facilitating my first-ever leadership adventure with ten amazing men here in Colorado and look forward to the second group arriving in just a few days. Both of these groups are participating in a vision I have for leadership development in the context of the great outdoors. Forgoing keynote presentations and lectures, I share simple leadership lessons along the way as we visit Colorado’s Garden of the Gods, drive up Pikes Peak, and climb 14-er Quandary Peak.
For example, while observing Garden of the Gods’ “Balanced Rock,” we discussed how erosive forces work against our business and family leadership. Just like the ancient torture method of “death by a thousand cuts,” so our marriages, families, or businesses can disintegrate over time. Small problems add up; sometimes one tiny issue can push a marriage or business over the cliff. Our leadership matters.
A pastor receives a call from a frantic couple late on a Saturday night: “Pastor, pastor—you’ve got to help us...our marriage just failed...please come over immediately!” (No, it didn’t just fail today—it’s been failing for the last ten years and no super pastor or veteran counselor is going to fix your marriage tonight!)
A company rushes in a consultant to fix a business that just failed. But any smart business person knows that no amount of money thrown at consulting gurus is going to quickly solve the problem. As my good friend Dave Kauffmansays, “Your business is perfectly designed for the results you are getting.” Leadership matters.
Wise King Solomon once pointed out that it’s the little foxes that ruin the vineyards. Just like the “Balanced Rock” is destined to eventually fall due to the continuing eroding forces of nature, so our marriages, businesses, and personal lives are under constant bombardment. Personal leadership development is a crucial element in any preventative measure to failure and I’m here to help you.
Consider joining a number of upcoming Colorado Mountain Leadership Adventures currently being scheduled for 2021. Based on how quickly the first two filled up in 2020, send me your name and contact info quickly to reserve a spot. I’m currently putting together separate adventures designed for CEOs and executives, for pastors and ministry leaders, for married couples, and for any men and women seeking to advance in their personal leadership.