Committed to the Ultimate Task

Luke Kuepfer • February 15, 2021

A Serving Leadership Insight from the Life of Jesus Christ (Mark 13:10)

“And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.” (Mark 13:10)


In Mark 13:10, Jesus shared his grand picture of the future with his disciples: “The gospel must first be preached to all nations.” This parenthetical statement came in the middle of their discussion regarding the end of time. Jesus had just told them that they would suffer for his sake and bear witness before governors and kings. He then inserted this supplementary fact before discussing what to say when put on trial. First, a note about bearing witness. The original root for the term “witness” is the same root for “martyr.” Those who walk in the steps of Christ are fully committed to sharing the gospel with all ethnic groups as the Greek root for “nations” implies. Second, consider the reason for one’s suffering and witness. Jesus shared the reason behind his mission. His vision was to change the world. Serving leaders focus on the ultimate task rather than diverting their energy in endless speculation on how the end will come.


KEY QUESTIONS: When have I been diverted from my vision and mission? How should my personal goals in life be changed or refined so they align with God’s ultimate vision? How committed am I to fulfilling the Great Commission? Have I given too much energy to speculation regarding Christ’s return?

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