[This is my second post of two in my “Vintage Wednesday” series on “Common Sense” Christianity, re-written/updated from a blogpost back in January of 2011.]
Last week we looked at some fascinating examples in God’s word of folks who certainly didn’t fit the typical image we have of outstanding Christian characters, yet were completely in the center of God’s will. In other words, they didn’t align with the common sense of their day but were acting out courageously the call God had on their lives.
Besides Abraham, Hosea, and Isaiah, I looked at two of our New Testament favorites—Jesus and Paul.
Let's further consider these last two characters. Would Jesus pass the “Not even a hint of immorality” test with all the people He hung out with? And honestly, would you let a preacher speak in your church who like Paul had mystical experiences (2 Corinthians 12:1-4) and whose handkerchiefs were used to heal the sick (Acts 19:11-12)?
A book I enjoyed reading—Fixing Abraham—by Chris Tiegreen caused me to re-think my typical approach of forming conclusive opinions on the purposes or nature of God. Furthermore, I’m also wondering about my tendency to judge those who don’t follow conventional Christian pathways or use orthodox methods while pursuing what they understand to be God’s will for their lives.
Is our general approach to Biblical understanding too sterilized; or in Tiegreen’s words—“Is it possible we’ve created a safe, tidy Christian culture that too often holds back from embracing the complete truth of God’s character—and those of His people?”
What do you think? What part of the Biblical narrative jars your neatly packaged theology? Do you know any contemporary Christians who are living unconventionally—yet aligned with the truth of God's Word—that have put you somewhat on edge? I'd love to hear from you…send your response or stories to luke@lukekuepfer.com.