Defining Holiness, Part 3

Luke Kuepfer • September 1, 2021

[This is my third post of three in my “Vintage Wednesday” series on “Defining Holiness,” re-written/updated from a blogpost back in March of 2011.]


Over 1500 years ago a certain Simeon Stylites believed that he could live a holier life by living separate from the people of the world. This monastic, according to some accounts, lived atop a pole for 37 years!


While living separate from the world, Simeon failed to realize that holiness is not just about avoiding sins of commission. It's also about sins of omission. By escaping the world he failed to be God/Christ-like, bringing healing to a broken world.


By simply turning off the news, shutting off the world, or escaping into a community of safety and tranquility, one is not becoming more holy. One must engage with the world. One must become a “little Christ” in a world of tragedy and pain.


So don't turn off the news or run from the world. Pray for the brokenness around you. Get out there and get your hands dirty. Get involved. Embrace holiness this week by responding to a request for funds from a non-profit you believe in (Asia Harvest is still at the top of my list!), going on a vacation with a purpose (think “short term mission”), or simply volunteering at local food bank. Be holy by helping heal the world!

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