In Mark 5:1–20 Jesus expelled evil spirits from an afflicted human being, permitting them to take refuge in a herd of swine. Much to the dismay of the local inhabitants, two thousand pigs rushed down a steep bank and drowned in the sea. Observing the changed man, seated, dressed, and in his right mind, the curious crowd who had come to investigate was paralyzed with fear. Unnerved by Jesus’ transforming power and the resulting loss of their wealth, the people begged Jesus to leave their region. With this one act, Jesus had exposed the destructive nature of evil and the materialistic priorities of their society. They were ready neither for his purifying power nor a change to their economic values. Therefore Jesus commissioned the one whom they knew to demonstrate his transformation through word and deed. The text notes that his testimony amazed the people; his proclamation was preparing the people for Jesus' next visit.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Can I relate to the fears and/or economic values of the local inhabitants in this story? Am I more concerned with the well-being of others than anything else? Do I sense my limitations in leadership (influence)? If so, how am I investing in others and empowering them to go beyond what I can offer?