We often ponder the wrong questions. We typically ask, “What is God’s will for my life?” rather than, “What is God’s will for the world?” Perhaps we need a huge paradigm shift in our thinking.
Consider the first question. It’s as if we expect the sovereign God of the universe to stop “spinning all the plates” of critical importance to focus on one solitary figure—me—and answer that question. After all, everything hangs on us, right? News flash—it doesn’t. Life is not ultimately about me. And this is not diminishing Sovereignty’s love for me or His purpose for my life. It’s actually quite the opposite. His love for me is demonstrated through redemption, making a way for me to return to “the garden.” Ultimately my purpose is found in Him. Apart from Him and all that emanates from Him we cannot exist. Without Him we are nothing!
So look at the second question—the better question. What is God’s will for the world? God has a purpose for all creation, and more to the point—for His special creation made in His image—us. So why not join God in re-creating our broken world, becoming His hands and feet? Why not figure out His will for the world and join him in its redemption?
God’s will for our lives is that we discover His will for the world and join Him in accomplishing it! Unite with Him in restoring the garden and returning humanity to it. In light of last week’s post, therein lies the secret to discovering real significance.