In Mark 4:26–29 Jesus depicted the kingdom of God as seed that had been scattered on the ground and then harvested after a lengthy process of growing and maturing. Anyone aspiring to leadership must understand the principle of slow, quiet, continuous growth. Leaders are not made overnight. Harvest is coming, but first one must develop a strong stalk of inner character that will sustain momentum for a lifetime. Next, one must develop wisdom in the joint faculties of both heart and head through study, evaluated experience, and the input of mentors and coaches. With only the heart, one leads from passion bereft of intelligent reasoning. With only the head, one lacks the compassion necessary for true serving leadership. In the end, fully formed kernels provide an abundant and joyful harvest. Understanding their own journey toward fruitful influence, serving leaders are patient and encouraging when developing others.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Am I slowly and quietly growing in character and wisdom? How might I measure that? Do I have a disciplined program of reading, reflection, and study? Who could help me evaluate my experiences? Who should I seek out for mentoring and coaching? How would I describe an abundant and joyful harvest?