In Mark 6:53–56 Jesus and his disciples were apprehended by crowds of people as soon as they landed their boat. The text notes that the people recognized Jesus and therefore ran all over the region to bring the sick to him for healing. The disciples’ lack of belief during the feeding of the five thousand and the calming of the storm is quite startling in contrast with the faith of the eager multitudes. The latter begged simply to touch the fringes of Jesus’ cloak, believing that it would produce the desired cure. For the Jews, sewing tassels on the edges of their garments had originally been commanded by God as a reminder to obey his commandments. As one who remained aligned to his Audience of One in complete obedience, Jesus had the power to heal those who reached out in faith. His integrity empowered him and inspired faith in others. Serving leaders are anchored on truth, their public success sustained by inner character.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
What causes unbelief in my own life? How might I build greater faith? If God doesn’t answer the way I think he should what does that do to my faith? Does my integrity empower me and inspire faith in others?