In Mark 4:30–32 Jesus spoke of the wide-ranging impact of the kingdom’s small beginnings. Like a tiny mustard seed that grows into a bush large enough for birds to perch in its shade, so is the kingdom of God that began in obscurity but now spans the globe. What matters is the DNA within the seed. Likewise, what lies at the heart of one’s leadership determines the scope of impact. Jesus focused on serving the few to reach the many. His methodology of prioritizing time with twelve disciples produced a model that has turned the world upside down and has spread his transforming message throughout it. His narrow focus had significant results. Even among his disciples, Jesus spent more time with Peter, James, and John, and they went on to hold significant roles in the early church. Concentrate your energy and investment in a few to impact the world. Plant the right seed in the right soil to reap a great harvest.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Who are the few I might invest in the most to impact the many? What relationships must be minimized so I can concentrate more on key people? Which projects, activities, or interests are depleting my energy? Could any of them be eliminated? On whom and what should I focus most?