In Mark 6:45–46 Jesus sent his disciples ahead of him while he dismissed the crowds of people and sought some time alone with his Father. Earlier Jesus and his disciples had sensed the need to get away to a solitary place but had been prevented by the crowds. It’s interesting to note that Jesus took responsibility for dispersing the crowds and let the disciples go ahead. Sometimes leaders sense that their teams desperately need a break and relieve them of further duty. In any case, leaders are ultimately responsible for both their mission and their people. Jesus also knew that he needed some time apart from his disciples. He needed to connect with his Audience of One to rejuvenate without interruption from the crowds or disciples. Serving leaders know their limits and ensure that they replenish their inner resources before moving on. Their self-awareness prevents burnout and keeps them aligned with their mission.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
How well do I know the needs of the people I lead? How would I be able to tell if someone was on the brink of burnout? Do I know my own limits? What are some practical ways for me to get rest and replenish my inner resources? When is the last time I’ve considered my mission in life or that of the endeavors (family, business, community) I lead?