In Mark 1:17 Jesus issued a compelling invitation to some fishermen along with an intriguing vision for their future. “Come, follow me,” Jesus told them, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” It was a simple call to come and live with him, to observe his life model and embrace his teaching. In their Jewish context it was how rabbis instructed their students and passed on their worldview. It required these fishermen to leave behind their financial security and the familiar. They knew how to fish for fish, but now they would fish for people. This new mission would exchange the dangers of managing a boat on potentially storm-tossed seas for a perilous adventure including certain persecution. Some would accept their counter-cultural perspectives; others would reject them. Serving leaders have a compelling mission that’s embraced regardless of the risk because they are leaders worth following.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
KEY QUESTIONS: Do you have a compelling mission? Why else should someone follow you? Have you ever changed direction based on a more compelling mission? Would safety and security (financial or otherwise) issues be important considerations for you?