In Mark 3:7–12 Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the edge of a lake. Large crowds followed him from all the surrounding regions. In stark contrast, while the religious and political parties had rejected him, the crowds pursued him with intensity. They sought his healing touch and compassionate teaching, which was lacking in their leaders. Evil spirits bowed down before Jesus and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” On one hand, they recognized his authority and power over them. On another hand, however, these spirits attempted to control him and strip him of his power by naming him in accordance with the idea that one has mastery over another by stating one’s precise name. Jesus commanded them not to tell others about him. He was neither trying to exalt himself or succumbing to intimidation tactics. Jesus had come to inaugurate his Father’s kingdom. He was compelled by compassion, not personal ambition.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
KEY QUESTIONS: Why do people follow me? (answer the question for the contexts of family, work, and community) Is my leadership compelled by compassion or personal ambition? How might I prohibit the latter from happening?