In Matthew 27:15–26, Jesus was tried, convicted, and condemned to crucifixion. Note several ironies: First, in light of humanity’s desire for fairness and justice, consider that the most innocent was killed in place of the most guilty. Isaiah the prophet had earlier foretold that the Lord would lay on Christ “the iniquity of us all”—a reality the Apostle Paul would later describe as a demonstration of God’s righteousness. Second, note that a pagan woman—Pilate’s wife—pled for the release of Christ while the “God-fearing” mob screamed for his execution. Third, consider how envy had motivated the religious leaders to hand Jesus over to the Romans. Was it not a Messiah they had wanted in place of Roman rule? And finally, ponder the crowd’s self-indictment: “His blood is on us and on our children!” Jesus’ ultimate act of service—the shedding of his blood—exonerated their guilt and made possible the salvation of all future generations.
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Do I really want God to be fair to me or do I prefer his idea of righteousness? How can I lead others according to God’s definition of righteousness? Have I ever been blinded by envy? If so, what was the result?