In Mark 3:20–21 Jesus faced the challenges of a demanding mob and opposition from his own family. When he entered a certain house with his disciples, the crowds pressed against him so greatly that they were unable to eat. Upon hearing this, members from his own family considered him to be going mad and in great need of being removed from such circumstances for his own good. In their eyes, he could not meet the ongoing spiritual and physical needs of others if he did not attend to his own wellbeing. Their concern was valid but their assessment incorrect. Jesus was neither losing his mind nor requiring rescue from the multitudes. Serving leaders rise to the challenge of pressing demands knowing that sometimes great personal sacrifice is required. One’s true character is revealed under pressure. Knowing your calling from above helps you manage stress while staying focused on your mission.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
KEY QUESTIONS: How well do I cope under high pressure? What boundaries should I consider for myself to prevent future stressful situations? When should I rise to meet demanding challenges and confront them regardless of personal sacrifice? How might I respond to those who do not understand the nature of my calling?