In Mark 5:1–20 Jesus delivered a demon-possessed man and commissioned him to share God’s mercy with his own people. His home had been a graveyard, violent self-destructive behavior his trademark. The text points out that no one was strong enough to subdue him although he had often been bound with chains. Recognizing a superior authority, the evil spirit raced the man to Jesus and cast him down on his knees before him. Jesus evicted the evil spirit with a simple command, liberating the man fully. True serving leadership empowers people rather than imposing ethical, moral, or religious restrictions on them. Jesus delivered the man from the realm of death and destruction to freedom and creativity. A pagan ex-demoniac became a communicator of grace and freedom to those who had once tried to control him. In fact, Jesus began his ministry to the Gentiles through him.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Would others characterize my leadership as controlling or empowering? How might I differentiate between “chains that bind” and “guardrails that protect?” What stands to be gained when I help others discover their God-given abilities and unleash their creativity? What stands to be lost if I fail to take that initiative?