In Mark 3:31–35 Jesus clarified his conviction on relational loyalties when a messenger announced the arrival of his family and their desire to meet with him. While they waited outside, Jesus addressed the crowds surrounding him: “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” It was radical statement that prioritized kingdom connections over flesh and blood relationships. Jesus’ devotion to his Father’s will was paramount. He would take opportunities to serve and lead anyone but gave precedence to his disciples. Jesus was not discrediting the fifth commandment of honoring one’s parents; he simply was establishing priorities. When your primary allegiance is to your Audience of One, your predominant concern is for those entrusted to your leadership. Furthermore, we love and care for our blood-relatives most by first aligning with our heavenly Father.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
To whom is my primary allegiance? Does this ever come in conflict with my other relationships? If so, how? Who are those entrusted to my leadership needing most of my attention? What is my plan to ensure that they remain a priority?