In Matthew 26:1–5, Jesus’ leadership is juxtaposed in sharp contrast with that of the religious leaders. Jesus exuded humility and confidence despite the reality of his impending crucifixion. Knowing who he was and whose he was, the highest degree of humility and selflessness steered him firmly in the direction of preparing his disciples for what lay ahead of them rather than agonizing over his own rejection and suffering. Jesus resigned himself to what would take place, confident that his Father’s will was being accomplished. Meanwhile, motivated by pride and fear, the religious leaders plotted how they could regain their position of authority with the people and destroy the one they blamed for having lost it. They were driven by the very antithesis of Jesus’ posture, plotting behind closed doors and basing their decisions on public reaction. Serving leaders respond out of humility and confidence rather than out of fear and pride.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
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Do I tend to focus on the pain of others before my own? In what situations do I tend to respond out of fear and pride rather than out of humility and confidence? How could I begin changing that?