[My Wednesday blogpost series is connected to my
2020 4Q program
in which I share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.]
Regarding the “circles of influence” diagram, who are the people who would fit into each category? (check the box of the one you need to focus on the most at this time)
Have you ever thrown a small stone into a pond or pool of water and noticed the outward ripple effect it has on the entire surface? A wave is set in motion that eventually reaches the entire edge. So it is with our leadership—there’s a reverberating effect to our influence that can have a far-reaching impact. While the ripples closest to us may be the greatest, our sphere of influence has potential beyond our wildest dreams. Consider Jesus who first led himself (“1”) and then influenced others at multiple levels—Peter, James, and John (“3”), his disciples (“12”), the sent out ones (“70”), those gathered in the upper room (“120”), the crowd at Pentecost (“3000”) and all those who follow Jesus today (“?”).
The “3”: My wife Amy and our three children fit into this category along with their significant others. I spend the majority of my time with those closest to me and give the most energy to assisting them in their life journeys. One example regarding the development of my family is our annual goal-setting activity held at the end of each year. We each spend time alone thinking about our next year, our goals, and one word (along with a Scripture verse to go with that word) that we want to be our driving force in the coming year. I then collect everyone’s word and verse and feature them in a prominent place in our home as a reminder.
The “12”: This group refers to those with whom I have deeper connections and have built high levels of trust and accountability. This includes the group of men I meet every week as well as some close friends scattered around the globe. I can go deep within minutes with these men and do not need to maintain an ongoing, consistent relationship—we simply take off from where we left off the next time we have an opportunity to connect.
The “70”: Through the Reverb Network I have been developing leaders around the world. Some of these folks are part of my “12” but most would fit within this category. These are leaders I know by name who are strategic and missional in taking the serving leadership message to those within their sphere of influence. We share a similar vision and passion to expand the Kingdom of God through serving leadership movements.
The “120”: While I may not remember everyone’s name in this group, these are people that I have had some measure of influence through my teaching, training, coaching, and personal interaction. I have physically met these people and generally recognize their faces, if not their names.
The “3000”: This group has not necessarily met me. They may have read a blog post, watched a video, or been taught a concept through someone who first heard it from me. For example, the “70” I have been developing through the Reverb Network’s 4-year program are now taking that message to thousands of others. I went deep with the few to impact the many. What they saw and heard they are reproducing in others. Our model (and resources) at the Reverb Network is simple, economical and practical, and therefore reproducible.
Now it’s your turn. Who are the people in each of those categories in your sphere of influence? Go ahead, write something down including some names…you are a serving leader!