Serving Leadership Journey 4Q: Passion, Proficiency, and Profitability

Luke Kuepfer • April 29, 2020

[My Wednesday blogpost series is connected to my 2020 4Q program in which I share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.] 

Michael Hyatt suggests that job satisfaction lies in determining where one’s passion, proficiency, and profitability overlap. Once you’ve figured out what you’re passionate about, what you’re good at doing, and what can sustain you financially, you’ll have a fairly good indication of what your calling is or what your vocation should be. Considering the diagram, where the three circles overlap is your sweet spot—the place where God will receive the greatest glory from your life and where you will discover your greatest joy!

Describe your areas of Passion, Proficiency, and Profitability:

• Passion (Interests/hobbies...what makes you lose all sense of time when you’re engaged in these activities?) 

I discovered at age 19 while teaching in a small parochial school in western Canada that I have a passion for helping people understand concepts. Watching the “lights come on” in people’s minds thrills me, whether I’m teaching in a small group or speaking before an audience. I also have a passion to help people discover their life purpose and therefore have created a free tool to help people in that endeavor.

• Proficiency (Gifts/abilities/strengths...what do others say you’re good at? What could you enjoy getting really good at and take up near the top on a scale of 1-10?)

I’ve discovered that my strengths zone is in the area of communicating and teaching. To stay sharp in that area and continue to take it to the next level means listening to other great teachers and communicators and consistently staying in a learning mode, whether that’s with books I’m reading or people I’m meeting.

• Profitability (What will pay your bills? What job or career could you support yourself in that you would actually enjoy?)

Business speaking and facilitating workshops at public or private events has been both profitable and enjoyable. Although typically not financially profitable, I also really enjoy speaking in the non-profit world and developing leaders around the world. You could say that besides it being “Kingdom-profitable,” it's also beneficial in developing my leadership, character, and skills.

Now it’s your turn. How would you describe those areas of passion, proficiency, and profitability in your life? Go ahead, write something down…you are a serving leader!

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