Serving Leadership Journey 4Q: Shepherding and Stewarding Roles

Luke Kuepfer • March 11, 2020

[My Wednesday blogpost series is connected to my 2020 4Q program in which I share my personal responses to the questions raised in the worksheets.]

What are some practical action steps you can take for the roles of “Shepherding” and “Stewarding” in each of your leadership capacities (see Email #1 of this series or Introduction Worksheet, Page 1)?

Serving leaders initially have a shepherding role in that they cast a vision, providing purpose and direction. In fact, the traditional pyramid of leadership stands in this role as the leader casts vision from the top-down and people respond by deciding whether or not to commit to the vision. The leader is responsible for sharing that vision and the people are responsive, making a choice to support it. As shepherds, serving leaders give their people the vision and direction they need to accomplish the mission. They are responsible for casting a compelling vision that inspires others to follow. 

The second role of a serving leader is that of stewardship. Here is where the traditional pyramid is flipped. The people are now responsible to accomplish the mission and the leader is responsive to their needs as they do it. Followers are empowered and resourced by the leader to carry out the mission. The leader supports in a serving role as a good steward of the original vision. Unlike traditional leadership, however, serving leaders serve and support their people as they implement the mission instead of having their people serve them.

1. In my role as Husband to Amy:

  • I fulfill my SHEPHERDING role by talking to her about our ultimate goals, our calling as a couple, and where we sense God is leading us. This happens for example through times of prayer, during hikes, in the car, and on dates. I talk about what I sense God is showing me and asking her what she is hearing so we can come to consensus decisions. My role is not as much about having the answers as it is about making sure we stay aligned and moving forward as a united couple. My role also includes providing protection for her.
  • I fulfill my STEWARDING role by encouraging Amy in discovering her personal vision and call and pursuing it. Currently, that means supporting her as she takes on her new role at Prayercast with OneWay Ministries by giving her encouragement, advice, and a listening ear. My role also includes asking her questions and giving guidance in terms of stewarding the ultimate call we have on our lives together as one.

2. In my role as Father to Brittany, Courtney, & Jamin:

  • I fulfill my SHEPHERDING role by sharing advice, encouragement, and resources (Amy and I decided not to pay our children’s college expenses but rather help them with books, supplies, and other personal expenses they incur). Each year around Christmas/New Year’s I arrange for our family to spend some time in solitude to think through one word for the year (We started this in 2011…read my blog post here).
  • I fulfill my STEWARDING role by visiting my children on their various college campuses and asking them how I can best serve them. Sometimes that means taking them on trips to spend one-on-one time together doing fun activities and at other times it simply means going out for a meal. It always includes a once-a-year family vacation to Colorado for mountain climbing. This year my one daughter is insisting I go skydiving with her! Do you think that is good stewardship? Your reply here may help me make that decision!

3. In my role as President of Reverb Network:

  • I fulfill my SHEPHERDING role by casting vision for where we are going as an organization and leading out in our board meetings. 
  • I fulfill my STEWARDING role by helping raise funds for the organization, training and empowering others via our 4-phase program, and assisting Reverb Network co-founder Fred Waggoner with various organizational tasks. 

Now it’s your turn. How might you fulfill your shepherding and stewarding roles in your current leadership capacities? Go ahead, write something down. . .you are a serving leader! 

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