[This is my eighth and final post of eight in my “Vintage Wednesday” series on “The Great Initiator,” re-written/updated from a blogpost back in April of 2011.]
Saul is on a mission—one he fervently believes in—when suddenly God invades his space through a blinding flash. This prompts a 180-degree turn in Saul's heart, tipping a domino that will result in the Gentile world coming to Christ. Again, God initiates, a person responds, and Gospel shockwaves reverberate around the world.
In the stories of every character featured over the last number of weeks, God was the Great Initiator.
This is the ultimate perspective that should impact every aspect of our leadership. Not “kudos to us” but rather “kudos to God.” Apart from Him I can do nothing. The Psalmist reminds us that, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1a). God invades our space to call, equip, empower, and direct us in our sphere of leadership for the sake of His Kingdom.
Leadership is not about us. It is not about us striking out on some journey and equipping ourselves with certain skills to fulfill our purposes. Rather, God invades our space to fulfill His purposes for the sake of the world and His glory.