Types of Employees Needing 'Retirement'

Luke Kuepfer • February 16, 2018

According to Michael Hyatt there are five types of employees who “will drain your team of precious energy, creativity, and joy”. Considering my last post, these are the folks you may need to relocate or retire from your company.

First are those who complain about everything. While all good teams need a healthy dose of debate and dissent, constant whining and dissatisfaction will destroy momentum and prevent collaboration. Tell your team members to bring their problems and critiques to the table, but only after they’ve spent adequate time considering possible solutions and alternatives.

Next are those who need ongoing supervision. New employees typically need a certain amount of micromanagement until they are trained and capable of handling their responsibilities independently. But if they never become self-starters or take initiative with learned skills, they’ll waste your time and the energy required for more important matters in the organization.

Michael Hyatt also refers to those who enjoy and create drama. And believe me, there’s both drama queens and drama kings out there—people who derive personal significance from crises, whether real or imaginary. No one leading a successful company should put up with it; these folks are joy-killers and fire-starters—the arsonist, pyromaniac variety!

Next are gossipers and backbiters. While healthy team members are characterized by encouragement and integrity, these folks exhibit the opposite—attempting self-promotion by tearing down others. They destroy team unity and foster distrust. Dave Ramsey has zero tolerance for gossip at his company. He defines it “as discussing anything negative with someone who can’t help solve the problem.”

Lastly on Hyatt’s list are those who refuse to take responsibility. Those unwilling to be accountable for results or make commitments to carry their part of the load, hinder and demoralize the committed who are willing to sacrifice for their co-workers and the mission of their organization.

A thriving, healthy environment is replaced with paralysis and a total lack of joy when you cater to these types of employees. Employee engagement and motivation is simply impossible. Better to cut out the cancer before it spreads and completely destroys your organization.

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