In Mark 2:18–20 Jesus was asked why he didn’t fast with his disciples like John’s disciples or those of the religious leaders. John the Baptist’s sobering message calling people to repentance in preparation for Christ’s coming was reason enough for fasting. The religious leaders, however, fasted to impress the people with their holiness. Jesus was concerned with right motives. He certainly believed in fasting; other Gospel writers mention his 40-day fast in the wilderness. Alluding to a wedding feast, Jesus pointed out that people never fast when the bridegroom is present. In fact, in the Jewish culture people were not allowed to fast, show sorrow, or work too hard over such a time of celebration. Jesus disciples were to rejoice and celebrate while he was with them. The time was coming when he would be taken from them and then they would fast. Serving leaders celebrate with their people.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Is it difficult for me to take time to celebrate either personal success or success with others? If so, why? What are some specific forms of celebration? Do I believe in having fun with the people I lead? If so, how could I solicit some creative ideas to make life and work more enjoyable?