Breaking Free of the Gravity Zone

Luke Kuepfer • December 5, 2018

“One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” Those were the words of Neil Armstrong as he stepped off the lunar module and onto the moon, July 20, 1969.

It had taken a massive amount of preparation, collaboration, and resources to accomplish this mission. It also took tremendous energy to get man to the moon and back.

At what point of the journey, however, did it take the most energy? The quarter million miles to the moon? Orbiting the moon once it arrived? Or returning to earth? Actually, none of these. In fact, when the lunar module separated from the command module to go down and survey the moon, one astronaut commented that the energy it took was “less than the breath of a baby.” More energy was spent in the first few minutes of liftoff from earth than was used in half a million miles for several days, providing us with a powerful metaphor. It takes the most energy in the beginning to break out of the gravity zone of deeply embedded negative habits, mediocrity, status quo achievements, and default tendencies that are currently holding you to little or no growth in your life. But once you take the plunge, or according to the metaphor, expend the energy to launch yourself out into a universe beyond your tiny world—you will experience a life of positive change, growth, fulfillment, and joy. Do whatever it takes TODAY to break free of your gravitational zone.

So here’s some questions as we approach the end of another year:
1) Which conferences will you attend or books will you read in the coming year that will challenge your thinking and bring about the desired change?
2) Who will keep you accountable to your life goals or who will you actively seek out as a mentor in 2019?
3) Where and when will you record your plans? Research shows that writing things down help significantly in the achievement of your goals and dreams.

[“Launch” today by clicking here for a free online tool I’ve designed to help you figure out and attain your life purpose.)

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