Amateur or Professional, Part 8: Game Focus

Luke Kuepfer • August 22, 2022

Based on an article published by Shane Parrish titled, The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals,” I'm reflecting on some of his key points with today's discussion on:


“Amateurs show up to practice to have fun. Professionals realize that what happens in practice happens in games."


I've always been naturally quite competitive; I hate losing. But I've also experienced a lack of focus when it's not the real thing; I'm not completely “in the game” before “game day.” How does your current focus at practice affect your outcomes on game day? 


In sports, players prepare for game day by:

  1. Exercising hard ahead of time.
  2. Drinking plenty of water and eating nutritious meals.
  3. Getting adequate rest.
  4. Stretching and warming up just prior to the game.


How might that translate for those of us in work world?

  1. Gathering all our data and thinking through potential problems and questions that may arise (contingency planning) prior to an event or meeting. I remember Marcus Buckingham talking about the hard work in preparation making his time on stage a pleasant experience.
  2. Eating right and drinking plenty of fluids definitely makes me think, feel, and even sleep better. But how often do I consider my diet contributing to business success?
  3. Let's be honest…the concept of “adequate rest” often gets redefined by workaholics. What we don't realize, however, is that like the one who fails to sharpen his saw, the quality of work decreases and less gets done than what we might have accomplished had we stopped to sharpen the blade. Adequate rest includes both sleep and mental downtime.
  4. Some would say that role-playing or running potential scenarios through your mind prior to a big meeting or sales call helps significantly when the real moment comes. What works for you?

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