Based on an article published by Shane Parrish titled, “The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals,” I'm reflecting on some of his key points with today's discussion on:
“Amateurs focus on identifying their weaknesses and improving them. Professionals focus on their strengths and on finding people who are strong where they are weak."
I used to love visiting my friend Bill in his office before he retired. The company he founded was both large and expanding. One thing he told me that I never forgot: “Luke, I'm not the smartest person around here, but I know how to hire smart people and get them in key positions to help run this company.”
I believe that the smartest people are those who know their weaknesses but don't fixate on them. Rather, they build on their strengths and then surround themselves with people who compensate for their weaknesses. People with big egos or a control mindset are unable to do this. And they suffer for it.
I've learned a lot from Marcus Buckingham about not focusing on your weaknesses but rather on strengths for success in life. Sure, you need to work on your weaknesses to the point that they don't hurt your game, but ultimately spend most of your time developing your strengths—the areas where you get energized, where you can grow the most, and feel strong!
If your child comes home from school with an A in English and an F in Math, which do you typically focus on? “Hey, you're doing fine in English…work harder on your Math!” Actually, no. While you do need to help your child at least bring their Math up to a passing grade, most of your time should be spent helping them become a better writer, wordsmith, “grammartarian” (obviously I need help in English!), and whatever else they do under the English banner in school.
Here's the point. Your child is most likely not going to become a mathematician someday. But they may become a journalist, an author, or one who writes copy for marketing, sales, contracts, etc. And that's also true for you. Your greatest contribution to this world lies in your areas of greatest strength.
So focus on your strengths…that's where you'll bring God the greatest glory and find your greatest success, energy, and joy!