COVID, Racism, Riots, and Politics: Kingdom Energy (Part 7)

Luke Kuepfer • September 9, 2020

My final post in this series will feature a few of my opinions on politics (considering America’s current countdown toward election day) and some practical examples of how you may be losing influence with those you wish to win over to your point of view. 

Let me state that I am first and foremost a citizen in the Kingdom of God. My allegiances lie with one King which means I am not aligned with any party, any politician, or any nation state on the planet. While I may favor certain policies or perspectives in the political arena, these do not and will not receive my primary energy. Voting or running for office may be part of one’s calling to influence the world for good, but it ultimately is engaging with the “kingdom of this world” and should not be confused with the best way to bring about change in the human heart.

Second, if you are an American and aligned with a certain party please hear me out on several counts:

  1. Being Republican does not necessarily mean you agree with everything the Republican party stands for and neither does it mean you condone everything portrayed by its leadership (ditto for the other party, namely next point provides an example).
  2. Being a Democrat does not necessarily mean you are anti-life or prochoice; it may simply mean you have a different view on how to reduce abortions and promote life.
  3. Being a Republican or Democrat does not give you the right—if you claim the name of Christ—to treat someone of another affiliation without grace. Seek first to understand their position before you state your own.

NEED A GOOD RESOURCE? ORDER “I Think You’re Wrong But I’m Listening” (A guide to grace-filled political conversations) AT 50% OFF UNTIL ELECTION DAY (DISCOUNT CODE “50off”).

Third, if you are a strong advocate of voting in the election—you believe it is not only a right but an absolute necessity—please consider that there are those who prefer not to get involved in the process for various reasons. Do not simply quote—“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”—before you have sat down and had a thoughtful dialogue with that person. Nor should you heap shame on that person for experiencing the blessings of a “free” nation while not ensuring its ongoing freedom. These issues are greatly nuanced and Christians should be willing to discuss them without flaming rhetoric in light of the Kingdom of God on which we base our unity.

Finally, in light of everything discussed in both this post and previous ones, let me share what prevents me from hearing another person’s perspectives. In other words, you lose me when...

  • You apply broad brushstrokes, labels or stereotypes to certain groups of humanity (example: “All protestors are evil” or “all whites are racists!”).
  • You overstate or exaggerate your case (example: “Things are much worse than they were 50 years ago!”).
  • You use highly inflammatory language or insult me. Consider the fact that I may need to hear what you have to say but turning up the volume or using a “shrill” voice makes me want to turn you off completely. Your potentially much-needed voice is akin to static—it’s annoying and simply gets turned off.

I close this series with a song—Let There Be Peace on Earth—I came across several years ago:

Let there be peace on earth, 

And let it begin with me.

Let there be peace on earth; 

The peace that was meant to be. 

With God as our Father, brothers all are we. 

Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.    

Let peace begin with me;

Let this be the moment now. 

With every step I take let this be my solemn vow:

To take each moment, to live each moment, 

In peace eternally.

Let there be peace on earth, 

And let it begin with me.

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