“Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve.” (Mark 11:11)
In Mark 11:11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and then left for Bethany with his twelve disciples. This rather short commentary on Jesus’ movements after his triumphant ride on a colt says much about his focus as a leader. He could have basked in the glory bestowed on him by the cheering crowds. Had they not thrown down their robes before him in an act akin to laying out the red carpet for royalty? Even their cries of “Hosanna” signaled praise for the one they hoped was Messiah and king. But Jesus rejected the pomp and circumstance. He somehow sidestepped the multitudes and left town with only his twelve closest friends. His disciples, not fame, were his primary concern. Leaving the city, he withdrew to the town where his good friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived. We don’t know if he went to their house, but we do know that Jesus retreated from the public eye to be with those who mattered most.
KEY QUESTIONS: How do I react to pomp and circumstance? When have I stepped away from the public eye to focus on greater priorities? Is there a spotlight I currently need to walk away from? What are my primary concerns in my leadership roles today?