In Mark 2:1–5 Jesus entered his hometown and preached the word in a very crowded house. When a paralyzed man showed up for healing, Jesus told him that his sins were forgiven rather than pronouncing him cured. By preaching the word and addressing sin, Jesus went to the root of humanity’s problems. The text notes that there was no room left, even outside the door. People were hungry for truth. Many still are. They want leaders who won’t ignore the issues or lessen reality. Serving leaders would do well to always speak truthfully, dealing with root problems. While Jesus ultimately released the man from his paralysis, he first addressed the most critical need in his life: forgiveness of sins. While serving leaders are concerned about performance issues, their primary focus should be on something much deeper. We know that all deficiencies stem from heart issues. Therefore, deal with those first.
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
Why is it easy to avoid dealing with root issues? If many people are hungry for the truth, why do I still sometimes struggle with sharing it? What might I first need to deal with in my life before addressing an issue with someone else? How might I connect performance concerns with matters of the heart?