Listening with Your Ears, Eyes, and Heart

Luke Kuepfer • October 31, 2018

Last week I defined empathic listening in terms of playing the role of an interpreter. This week I'd like to look at another key to empathic or empathetic listening—using your entire being. In other words, listen with your ears, eyes, and heart.

Listen with your ears, for words are important as well as how those words are expressed. Listen with your​​ eyes, for with those you catch far more than is being expressed through one’s words. Listen with your heart, for it’s here where you form ultimate meaning and interpret what is being communicated.​

Always have a​ caring attitude when listening. You may have heard it said: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Empathic listening does not mean that you are agreeing or disagreeing.​ It simply means that you have the sincere desire to understand the other person…to get on the same level with them…to feel what they are feeling…and to sincerely care and understand.​ Do not agree, disagree, or offer solutions—simply seek to understand. This is the big goal of empathic listening.​

Stephen R. Covey once observed, “The one who listens does the most work, not the one who speaks.” How true—listening is hard work!​ Always seek first to understand before you seek to be understood. Value another individual through empathic listening. You will make the world a better place.​

[This wraps up my series on dialogue and empathic listening. If you have something you'd like me to write about please submit it to]

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