In Matthew 28:8–10, Jesus met the women near the empty tomb while they were running off to tell the disciples of their amazing discovery. Their joy was confirmed; Jesus was alive! At the sound of his voice they clasped his feet and worshiped him. After greeting them, Jesus relayed a message for his disciples. “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee,” Jesus said. “There they will see me.” No doubt hunkered down somewhere in great fear, wondering what their next move should be without their leader, the disciples needed good news. It was a similar message to what they had heard from him the night of his betrayal. There was one small addition, however. “My brothers,” Jesus had stated. “Go and tell my brothers.” It was a crucial message of reassurance to those he had developed and impacted. They were to return to Galilee where they had first met Jesus. He was redeeming their failure. Jesus was their brother!
Lead, love, and serve, like Jesus!
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Who that has let me down or betrayed me needs a redemptive touch? Is there anyone within my sphere of influence that needs some good news today? How can I get on the level of those I serve?