In Mark 7:22 Jesus named malice as another deadly, defiling sin. The term describes one who is actively evil, desiring to harm others. The one corrupted by this form of evil influences others in the same vice. It is negative leadership at its worst! Some of the most powerful leaders in history were notorious for perverting others with their malevolence. Consider Hitler and his Nazis, Stalin and his death squads, or Mao Zedong and his Red Guards. Malice usually stems from bitterness that is allowed to fester. Resentment gives way to contempt and revenge. It grows in the heart of those who reject the image of God in humanity. In contrast, serving leaders embrace the
Imago Dei
in everyone. They forgive the offender and love the unlovable. Like Christ on the cross, serving leaders choose to absorb the shattering hatred of others to mitigate its destructive power and offer
to all.
How might I respond to those who are defined by malice and evil? How should I protect myself from bitterness and resentment? In whom today is it difficult for me to see the image of God? To whom should I model and extend the forgiveness of Jesus for the purpose of his/her redemption?